Parcel 203-54-122 Willcox, Arizona
Willcox, Arizona is best described as a town that has been around for a long time that not many have heard anything about. My favorite band is a group called America. Their #1 song is “A Horse With No Name.” I now wonder if they were in Willcox, Arizona when they wrote that song.
The town itself is kind of nice. It basically has two claims, Wyatt Earp who was shot there in 1900 and Rex Allen “the Arizona Cowboy” who called the town home until he died in 1999 in Tucson, Arizona.
I however was not visiting Willcox for either. About a year a go I bought a piece of property sight unseen and now it was time to see it. I bought it off a land website from a bulk land seller. The guy that I bought the property from had never seen the land either. This was evident when after I had obtained the deed I ended having to pay back taxes to clear the dead. In all it cost me a few hundred dollars for this land.
So the question becomes, what did I get? The answer is not a lot. Getting out to the land was interesting. There were roads, but they were of course all dirt road. Using my GPS I was able to get pretty close to the land, but I had to walk the last .25 miles. The land was flat but that is about it. The features are pretty much dirt and scrub brush. The closet tree was at least a mile away.

The original plan for Twin Lakes is that it was going to be a beautiful master planned community. All that got built was the golf course.

According to my GPS this marker is on the corner of my property. My guess is it shows where the street should be.
I have no idea what I plan to do with this land. To develop the land would probably require more money. That I really don’t have. My best hope is that some developer comes in and starts to buy all of the parcels, but then with my luck I would probably lose my land to eminent domain. In the meantime I plan on just keeping up the $20 a year property taxes and every once in a while visiting it.
A video about the land:
Some day maybe they will strike oil on your parcel, or perhaps uranium.
That would be hilarious. Maybe I should do like Jed Clampett and go rifle shooting on my property.
Nice to be a man of property.
My grandparents bought property there, passed it on to my parents, then I bought it for around $250. We’ve paid property taxes on it forever. Hoping it does get built up…
We have never visited, but hope to get there someday. Curious…is there a golf course nearby, or just the sign?
Yes, there is a golf course nearby. It is owned by the city. The golf course is only part that is nice. The rest is just shrub grass and tumbleweeds.
I just purchased 9 lots and I thank you so much for posting this video. Thank you! I knew it was a nowhere land when I purchased it, the bad thing is I called the Cochise county and they said you cannot put a mobile home on it, you can only build a house. So there goes that idea.
Yes, you can only build a house there but the kicker is there is no city services to that area. The city is trying to keep it as a bird sancturary but if someone (like a developer) were to pay to put in utilities the city would not be able to stop them. That however might be a long time.
Im looking for few lots around Twin Lakes Golf Course, Willcox, AZ, and around the Highway 191 and 186. Please make sure that the lots are Free from Lien and Back Taxes, and I don’t need any lots which cannot be built. No recreational lots ( NO R.V OR MOTOR HOME LOTS)
I’m from Ontario, canada. Please reply to my email.You can also text me as well 1-647668-9877
Thanks My Email is
Just so you know 2020 I came to find my parcel. It is now fenced off and is being used by a local for his free range cattle. Due to the local being a prominent figure there is no way to access any property. I have gone to Bizbee but they will tell me nothing except it is now a civil matter. Such a shame that everyone’s land is no longer accessible.
I noticed as well that it was being used for someone running cattle, but I was still able to get to the land. One option is you could sue for access. In Arizona they are not able to lock you out of your own land, it is state law. It is of course a hassle but if several people made it an issue the Sheriff would have to allow owners access.
How far back is your parcel? We just purchased 6 lots on a corner – I tried to get out there last night, but it was quite a marsh-land. I think my plot is closer to the lake, at least according to the coordinates. I have #7 if that helps.
Mine was far away from the lake, have you checked your parcel number on the Cochise GPS map?