It’s a Walled World Afterall (aka DCA 2012)

One of our small perks with our Disney Visa card is that they have a special "meet and greet" area just for Disney Visa card holders.
After seeing our adventures as Disneyland two weeks ago my mom was anxious to get in on the action. So she bought a two day pass (currently $99), we picked her up at her place, and we promptly headed out to Denny’s.
Yes, Denny’s isn’t Disneyland, but it starts with a D and if your going to a Disney park I always suggest you get a good breakfast. You will need the energy and the less you pay for inside the park the better. We did not go to the Denny’s right next to the park however, it is often crowded in the morning and the prices are higher. We opted for the Denny’s next to Angel Stadium, regular prices and not crowded, but still close to Disneyland.
Also known as DCA, Disney’s California Adventure has changed a lot since the last time we went. One of the things you notice right away is that they have taken down the giant California lettering and now the entrance looks like a 1930’s turnstile. It looks pretty much the same to me as entrances at Disney Studios in Orlando, Florida.
There were also a lot of construction walls still up. This is mostly the reason for getting the deal we got on our tickets. The biggest attraction coming to DCA will be Car’s Land, but the new Carthay Plaza is pretty amazing looking too. The Carthay Circle Theatre was where Walt Disney first showed Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The original theatre is long gone, but this 3/4 scale version of it at DCA is still pretty impressive.
Some new attractions that were open when we were there was Ariel’s Enchanted Under the Sea Ride, Goofy’s Flight School, and Electronica (a glimpse into the world of Tron).
At first AJ did not want to go see Ariel, but then he relented saying “mommy needs to go on a girl ride.” He must of liked it because he went again on it later on in the day. Unlike Disneyland we did split up a a group on various occasions. I(John) was the only one to go on many of the thrill rides (although AJ did go on Tower of Terror with me).
I (John) also split off to go see Electronica, basically it was a Tron inspired disco club. What was cool was that earlier in the day at one the Fastpass machines I got a free token at Flynn’s Arcade.
One of the things we did that helped speed us along was to pre-order our lunch at DCA. It cost us $15 a meal, which sounds expensive, but after you see all the other meal options you find out it isn’t out of the ordinary. Plus, for that $15 you get a cool themed tote bag and a fastpass to World of Color (kids also get a light up bracelet).
By the time World of Color show came the group was pretty tired. Overall though I think we had a good time though. We still have one more Disney day coming to us. When we take that last Disney day we don’t know, but it will fun when we do.
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