How to trust…
Working for the police department I realize there are a lot of rules. I realize that not all of the rules make sense, but I do know that they are all there for a reason. Today I got a man very angry at me. I am probably going to get a formal complaint because of this individual, but in this particular instance I don’t really care. I wish just once I could grab someone and say “I know you are mad right now because you are not getting your way, but you need to trust me right now because if you knew everything that was going on in this exact moment you’d see that I am not only helping you but in fact I am saving you and your family’s life.” Unfortunately, I am not allowed to say that, but I really want to say it. i also need to say I am sure there many times when I have been on the other side of this situation as well. My only guess is that somewhere in the great judgement day we will all see the errors of our ways, but it doesn’t make it any less frustrating today!
My goodness–can you tell us what happened? Along with Erica, I guess you have to expect that life just throws you some strengthening experiences, whether you want them or not.