AJ’s Favorite
In case you needed further proof of how much Denise means to AJ I give you the following story…
Denise was heading up a food storage fair at the church in San Bernardino and on the way to the fair she dropped AJ off at the babysitter. Since Denise needed to stay at the fair it was my job to pick up AJ at the babysitter. When I got to the babysitter sans Denise, AJ was not happy, and he let me know it. All the way home I was serenaded to the chord of “I want mommy!” Nothing I can think of to say will calm him down. I tried offering treats if he was quiet, I threatened to punish him with going to his room, you know the drill. By the time we got home neither of us was a happy camper (mind you it only takes 10 minutes to get home from the babysitter). Anyhow, we get home and AJ is still not happy, so I say to AJ “if you don’t go to sleep, you wont wake up, and if you don’t wake up you wont see mommy in the morning.” Never mind the absurdity of that statement, but straight as an arrow AJ went to bed, pulled up the covers, and that was it. I didn’t hear a peep from him after that. Oh well, I guess I can’t blame him that much, I am never happy when Denise isn’t home either.
Ah, that’s a story to melt a mom’s heart, right Denise? Don’t you just LOVE it when you feel like you can’t go anywhere without your child? ;-D
Being absolutely essential to the happiness of a child–wow, that is something to think on and remember as he grows up and doesn’t need you so much anymore. Don’t forget it! How lucky for AJ, and all our little children, to have a foundation of Mother’s love in life.
John, you’re going to appreciate that little trait a lot more when AJ is a crabby 15 year old.