Singing Time (by Denise)
We are a couple of days into our Mexico City trip, and I was just attempting to put AJ to bed for the night. (Putting a small child to sleep in a strange bed should be a new extreme/endurance sport, in my humble opinion.)
Anyway, as you may expect, I sung him a couple of songs to help him calm down and go to sleep. This reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to blog about for awhile now. When you ask AJ what song we should sing, the answer is always the same. It does not matter if we are singing him to sleep (like tonight), starting FHE, passing time on an extended car trip–any time AJ gets to pick the song it is always the same. And what is this much treasured piece of music?
The ABC song. Yes, that one, “a b c d e f g, h i j k l m n o p, q r s, t u v, w x y and z. Now I know my ABCs, next time won’t you sing with me?” He can listen to it over and over. He can only mumble it if pressed to sing it by himself. Now, if we tell him it HAS to be a primary song (aka, at FHE) he’ll go for that old stand-by “I Am a Child of God.” And, if pressed for a different song, he’ll come up with a different one. He does know additional songs! The “b side” has changed over time, these days it’s “Two Little Dickey Birds” (Two Little Dickey Birds sitting on a cloud/one named soft/the other named LOUD….) But the “A side” has never changed for about the past year.
Any one else remember a favorite little ditty from childhood? Or singing the same song over and over to a small child?
I think our favorite was “Whenever I Hear the Song of a Bird.” We love that song.
I wish I could remember…that’s what blogs and journals are for, I guess. We used to sing “Let us gather in a circle and kneel in family prayer…” when we had FHE.