Weeks to the Half: 10
Weight: 300
Longest Distance Run: 7 miles
Well, the weight is coming down again which is good, but I am really not happy about all the yo-yoing. I am in a distance block right now due to my weight and that is really frustrating. Any time I try to go up to 7 miles my shins start to hurt a lot. I think this is due to the extra weight I am carrying. This week I worked on strengthening them by doing more sprints and a couple of uphill jogs. I am hoping that it will help me break that 7 mile barrier.
On Monday, I had AJ come along with me for a 5 mile walk. He is quite the walker himself. He is only two, but he can walk two miles on his own. I was quite impressed. His problem is he gets distracted way too easily. I almost thought he was part dog because he stopped and pointed at every fire hydrant on the way to point at it and say “Yellow.” Then when an ambulance came by he started to mimic it by going “wooowooowooo.”
Wow! Seven miles is so impressive – that’s more than I’ve ever run! I will say that running sprints did more to increase my endurance than anything else, so I highly recommend them. And a 2-year-old walking 2 miles is equally impressive, too. Congrats!