
“If you are having trouble reading this come to my website at www.johnpedroza.com/blog1
<%image(20090830-ponyo.jpg|312|362|Ponyo)%>Today we did a little cleaning up, but the most interesting thing we did was see a Japanese movie named Ponyo. Another great movie by Hayao Miyazaki, it gives a very interesting story. Sort of like the Little Mermaid it involves this little fish that wants to be a real girl and a 5 yr old boy who wants to help him. I love watching Japanese films because their story lines are so much different than our own.
It is being distributed by Disney, here is a trailer:

After the movie we went to Wendy’s and I tried their new boneless chicken wings. I order the sweet and spicy ones, didn’t like them at all. I will never order them again. Basically, they were McNuggets drenched in sauce. It was gross, save your money for a bigger frosty freeze.”

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