Sleeping Beauty….

<%image(20070822-bb1.JPG|110|251|A nice variation on Disney's Sleeping Beauty)%>

John came home from work today and just crashed. I believe he was in bed by 7. It will be interesting to see what time he wakes up tomorrow. He’ll need the energy though, because tomorrow we are going to my Dr.’s apointment and then for a day at Disneyland, probably DCA: Disney’s California Adventure.

But, before that fun comes the Doctor’s appointment. I expect some good news because I haven’t gained any weight since the last appointment, one thing that they had been worried about. I also haven’t heard back about the AFP test, and on that score no news is certainly good news. However, I’m nervous about my blood pressure. I hope it’s okay.

In other news, today I had a sub assignment for a Fifth Grade classroom. It served to remind me why I’m not generally a fan of upper elementary, uck! These kids are old enough to try stuff with the Sub. Also, you have to deal with the same 35 kids ALL DAY, unlike middle school or high school where the bell rings and you get a different batch. Whatever, it was 6 hours and nobody died, including me.”

How do I learn if John plays?

“Okay, so we admit it, we’re both jealous of Tom and Erica’s blog. (Well, lets be honest, it’s mostly Erica’s blog.) Not to mention that we just saw the Hutching’s blog today and it was cute too. So, John gets reminded again that he wants ME to blog on his site (well, mostly me anyway). I’m cool with that, but I have to know how to do it, and I can’t learn if he does it for me. However, my missteps in learning my way around the site are frustrating to him. He did make a supreme effort to let me make my own mistakes, but in the end he just couldn’t take it anymore and had to take the computer back before I “”brought down his whole site””. *grin* Boys and their toys!!

As you can see I have figured the most important parts out, and hope to be posting in a semi-regular manner. –Dee

P.S. John *is* doing really great with the running, and I look forward to seeing him participate in the half marathon.)

P.P.S If you leave you mouse on the graphic , you’ll get my comment.
<%image(20070821-300px-Mondrian_broadway_boogie-woogie.gif|300|302|John says I should add a picture, so I picked this one: Mondrian's Broadway Boogie Woogie)%>”

Denise Doesn’t Let Me Play

“Well, I tried to be quiet. I really, really tried. Ok, so perhaps I didn’t do so well, but the site is here and it has leaves on it. I am sure your’re sitting there thinking John is wierd , but if you know me it doesn’t really come as a shock to you. Anyhow, I am still training for the DL Half-Marathon its coming up Sept. 3rd. My pace time right now is a 12:30 mile. Not that great but considering I weigh 283 pounds, not that bad either.