I got to hand it to you baby…

” AJ is grasping more with his hands. He’s more interested in holding onto what is in his palm. However, although he’s more interested he’s still not quite there. As you can see from the picture, he’s still most interested in his hands as chew toys.

This week was also John’s last week of class, including finals. He knows for sure that he has a B+ in one class and now the agonizing wait for the second grade begins. He has a reasonable expectation of doing well, but would like to get a confirmation. He has a one week break, and will take some of those days off of work also. So, watch this page for an update next week on how we spent our Spring Break.

<%image(20080321-5 003a.jpg|448|298|null)%>”

He’s got legs, and he knows how to use them…

Apologies to ZZ Topp, but they have a good song to describe AJ. He is not much for using his arms. Mostly arms are just for getting his hands to his mouth or so he can hold up his hands and stare at them. However, the legs do all sorts of things, none of which include standing or walking, just yet. If he’s really happy his legs kick together. If he’s upset they kick strongly, but out of sync with each other, like he’s peddling an imaginary bike. Lastly, if he’s indignant both legs stiffen, along with the rest of his body. He does enjoy “”bouncing”” in my lap, and it’s just a matter of months before he becomes more mobile.

In other news John received news that he passed his comp exam! Yeah! That’s one major requirement that can be checked off. The last main requirement is the two classes that finish in a week and then the last two next quarter. There is also a requirement of a portfolio, made up of papers completed in other classes. We may survive this MBA thing yet. ”

AJ is 3 months old

“AJ is healthy and happy. He is a very easy baby on a fairly regular schedule.

This is a typical day:
(All times are aproxamate *grin*)
6:45am wake up, change and eat and then he plays and dozes lightly
10:00am when he eats again, and usually falls asleep while eating, so into the bassinette he goes. There he sleeps soundly.
1:30pm wake up, and it’s time to eat again, in the afternoon is his most active time. He’s eager for interaction and physical play.
4:00pm time to eat yet again!
6:30pm time to eat for the last time
7:00pm AJ goes to bed and sleeps for the next 12 hours.

He’s holding up his head just fine, and enjoys babbling to me, especially in the afternoon. Mostly he’s just stringing together long vowel sounds, not many consonants yet. He has, however, figured out where sound is coming from and will now turn his head to me if I talk to him from the kitchen while he is in his swing. He has not made any effort to roll over and doesn’t yet reach and grab with purpose. If he gets his hand on something it’s by random chance. That’s about it for the most exciting member of our household.

John is waiting to hear back about his Master’s Exam and he has this quarter, which will be over in a couple of weeks and, hopefully, just one more after that and he graduates with his MBA in June. Sometimes AJ stares at his hands like he can’t figure out how they got there and what they are for.

Last Time at Disneyland (for a little while).

“Well, after meeting with the inlaws this weekend we spent our last day at Disneyland for awhile. With AJ coming in December we wont be renewing our passes for awhile. It was sad, it was hard to think that this would be the last time I would be able to go through Disneyland security without having anything to inspect. I figure having a baby we will have a full ensemble of gear with us now. We had fun though, we saw some friends from one of the Disney clubs I belong to and had a lot of fun with them.
<%image(20071009-DL-10-8-07 062.JPG|300|304|null)%>

<%image(20071009-DL-10-8-07 004.JPG|302|304|Look ma no wipies!!)%>

We Visited TJ

“On Saturday we visited my Dad (Arnold) and brother (Alex). Here are some pictures from that trip.

<%image(20071002-Disney Last Day 089.JPG|300|300|Dad at the Old Immigration Building)%>

<%image(20071002-Disney Last Day 084.JPG|300|300|Everyone Enjoyed looking at the Sardines)%>

<%image(20071002-Disney Last Day 087.JPG|300|300|null)%>”

Yea for medication!!

“<%image(20070926-Denise_and_AJ_at_Walt_Disney_World.jpg|400|533)%>I just got back from my monthly Dr.’s appointment. My blood pressure is a nice safe 126/76. Yea!!

At my last appointment it was roughly 155/95 at which point they put me on the minimum dose of a safe blood pressure medication. That has done the trick. (Methyldopa 500 mgs a day for those who care about such things.) Oh and the numbers from my 1hr glucose tolerance test are just fine too. I don’t even have to take the 3hr test. A very good way to begin the third trimester!

I will still be going in for Non Stress Tests starting tomorrow. In general feel fine, as usual. Just tired. I could probably sleep 10 hours a day given half a chance.

One fun thing is that I’ve started feeling more than kicks. I can now feel AJ slide from end of “”his room”” to the other every so often. One other noticeable difference is that when I drive with John in the early mornings or at night I drive with the window down and he has all three heat vents pointed at himself. In the summer we were both just hot, but now that it’s cooled down a bit it’s a different story, *grin*. Oh, and John is working hard to make sure I don’t have to bend over. He says that it hurts HIM to watch me bend at the waist.

Attached is a photo of me trying to look pregnant. For reference I’m 26 weeks in this photo. You can see that while I’m getting quite thick in the waist, if you didn’t already know I was pregnant you would not take the chance of asking me when I was due!”

Eating our Way through Little Toyko.

“Today we are on our way to WDW but beforehand we made a detour to Santa Monica to visit D’s brother Tom. We were looking for things to do today so we went to the Japanese Village Plaza in Little Tokyo in downtown Los Angeles. Many have probably never heard of the place. It is known for two things bean cakes and Mochi ice cream. Both are traditional Japanese desserts and were very good. When we first got there we ate at a Japanese Buffet/Karaoke restauraunt. It was good, no one was singing but there was a Hawaiian girl with her Ukelele in there. After lunch we walked up and down the mall looking in all the Japanese import shops to work down our lunch. For dessert #1 we went to Mikawaya home of the Mochi ice cream. It is an interesting dessert made of a really chewy rice coating and inside they put ice cream. You eat it with your hands.
<%image(20070909-mochi.jpg|344|344|A different view on Ice Cream)%>
<%image(20070909-johnwithmochi.jpg|344|344|You eat it with your hand)%>
We then went across the mall to get a bean cake pastry. Basically, hot bread goodness. To finish up we went into a Japanese Grocery store bought some pocky and a japanese soda (it is really hard to open one of those things).

Later tonight we plan on going to the Los Angeles Airport for the first of several flights getting us eventually to Orlando.”

It’s September!!

“Yea! It’s September! August has been long and hot and boring and did I mention way too long? Now it’s finally September. It’s still way too hot, but such is life. At least it’s shorter (by a whole day) and a lot less boring. This month John runs a half-marathon on Labor Day, we go to Irvine for two days, we go to Walt Disney World for a week, and we go out to Palm Springs for another week. See, allot less boring! (Irvine and Palm Springs are both work conferences for John, but free hotels for me *grin*).

Oh, and of course the most important event of the whole entire year happens in September every year. MY Birthday. (I’m 31 this year). yipee! The picture below is an indication of my mood for most of August. I’ll find an upbeat one for the next September entry to refelct my September mood.

P.S. It’s Midsummer, by Albert Moore of the Victorian era.