Ok, so last week I was watching YouTube and I ran across this video on how to make Okonomiyaki. What is Okonomiyaki? It is hard to describe, but if you translate the word into English it means “as you like it.” Basically, they are Japanese Griddle cakes made with a batter that looks like the same thing crepes are made out of. If you interested in trying to make it I have a list of ingredients:
1. Flour
2. Baking powder
3. Cabbage (this needs to be fresh)
4. Onion
5. Egg
6. Bacon
7. Potato chips (regular kind, plain)
8. Okonomiyaki sauce
9. Mayonnaise
First thing you got to do is prep…This is done by chopping the onions and cabbage into little squares (pretend you are making a weird Cole slaw), set the cabbage aside. Then fry the onions until they are dark brown (but not burnt) and set aside. In a bowl, mix one teaspoon into one cup of flower and one egg. Add water to the flower mixture until it gets to where it looks like pancake batter (make sure you get all the lumps out). In a mixing bowl, mix together the cut cabbage, fried onions, and some crushed potato chips. Cut your long bacon pieces in half. After being thoroughly mixed pour the mixture into a frying pan into a little round pancake. Layer your bacon on top of the pancake and squeeze some okonomiyaki sauce on top. After a minute or two, flip the pancake and put some okonomiyaki sauce on the other side. After you feel the pancake is well cooked (you’ll know because the bacon will look down) take the pancake and put it on a plate. Kris cross some mayonnaise on the top and serve.
Here is a little video I made:
Finding the okonomiyaki sauce was tough, but you can use housin sauce (Chinese barbeque sauce) if you can’t find okonomiyaki sauce. If you’re interested in finding the sauce and you live in the Inland Empire area of California leave a comment with your email address and I will let you in on the secret.
How did it taste? Well let’s see what AJ had to say…

He Likes It!
Can you come to my house and make me some of this? Be sure you bring your cute little boy and your wonderful wife!
Thst id s cute little boy! He sure is growing up fast. (Oh, I will take some pizza too! Looking forward to seeing you on Conference weekend.