I saw a very interesting lecture on the idea of happiness. The lecture had a bunch of interesting ideas. Especially the idea of the experiencing and remembering self. Also interesting was the idea that while millions will probably not make you happy, you need at least 60k to be “happy.” I am not sure if that is true or not. I do know I once heard a quote that went along the lines of “a penny over budget equals misery and a penny under budget equals hapiness.” Anyhow, I will say that hapiness is really a vague concept. What equals hapiness to you, isn’t the same to me. Last Saturday I took my mom to my favorite noodle shop: Daikokuya. To me this represents the best ramen noodles in California and I feel happy when I have noodles there. My mom on the other hand didn’t like it at all. I doubt it made her very happy. The other thing I thought was interesting is that it said those moving to California only think that they are happy and that they are not really happy.
Hard to think that happiness is attached to a dollar figure. Security, excitement, variety, maybe. Not real happiness.