My mom is a very smart lady.

Happy Birthday Mom
She is soo smart that she was born on a day that everyone would celebrate her birthday. On Wednesday, November 11, we took advantage of Disneyland’s free birthday offer and went to Disneyland with my Mom and my sister Amy. It was a very fun day. We rode many attractions and even got to see the new show called Tiana’s Show Boat Jubilee, which is basically a big advertisment for Disney’s The Princess and the Frog (which we were probably going to see regardless of this new Disney show).

Tiana's Show Boat
For being a holiday, the park wasn’t too crowded. We of course used the “JohnnyP Refuses to Wait in Line for Anything” technique. It involves a convuluted system of fastpass collecting and zig zagging through the park, lots of walking, but no waiting.
AJ is getting better at the Carousel, here is a little video (my sister needs a bit more practice):

AJ beat Grandma.
In all it was a fun day.

Disney has it's snow tops on.