AJ at Two

So, since AJ had his second birthday on Sunday, it’s a good time to record some of his favorites and talents.

Favorite Foods:
Fruit in Season (grapes, apples, and right now tangerines) also bananas–which as far as I know have no season. He also loves, ritz crackers, graham crackers, animal crackers, bread of all types, yogurt, peanut butter (but strangely not jam), gummy fruit snacks, cheese (like string cheese and quesadillas), and of course, sweets of all types.

Whats not on the list? Meat of all types. Once in a while he’ll eat of few bites of chicken or beef, but most of his protein is peanut butter.

Favorite games or toys:
Cars and trucks, any thing that spins, buttons he can press (especially on the computer), and especially if pressing those buttons makes noise! He also enjoys “racing”. For one, he runs laps in the house–which he is doing right now. And then, when we’re walking together he’ll stop and let me get ahead, then yell something that sounds a little like go. Then he buzzes on past me with a smile on his face. One last thing that AJ enjoys is drawing, not so much coloring in the lines as putting squiggly lines all over the place on a blank piece of paper.

His vocabulary currently consists of: Please, Thank You, Up, cracker, down, ball, balloon, night night, amen, and shoe. He understands lots more of course. He can obey when I ask him to bring something to Poppi, or when I ask him to throw something in the trash. He also folds his arms when told it’s prayer time. Who knows what else he understands. (That thought is a little scary.)

In general he’s a go along, get along kind of guy. Very easy going, as long as he’s been fed and has the ability to wiggle. Thankfully, he tolerates the car seat very well. He can’t sit still in church, but he will sit in his car seat for two to three hours at a time. He goes easily to strangers, and usually goes down easily for a nap or at night. Which brings me to the point that he still naps, usually 3 hours a day.

He was not a very cuddly baby, but he now loves giving hugs and kisses. AJ is also a little mimic, copying every thing he sees, especially other kids. He has sat still for exactly one Sacrament Meeting in the past 6 months, the children’s sacrament program. He was fascinated by all the kids on the stage, and didn’t take his eyes off of them.

So, that’s my sweet happy boy. John will put up some birthday pictures later, but those are my word pictures.


AJ at Two — 1 Comment

  1. What a delightful little boy. I guess he is bored by high priest sunday too…Keep up the posts. So good to hear and see what is going on. I enjoy reading them all. Look forward to seeing you at Christmas.

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