Normally we go to Disneyland, but thanks to a generous offer by Cedar Fair Parks we went to Knott’s. Basically, every year at this time Cedar Fair Parks gives free admission to Law Enforcement. So for the $12 it cost us for parking we went. I have to say I am now in a bit of a dilema in that it seems that AJ liked Knott’s more than Disneyland. I am not sure if it is because he is too used to Disneyland (he has been there since he was 6 weeks old), or if it is because he is more of a thrill ride guy. At any rate we are scheduled to go to Disneyland on the 5th so I will definately be comparing AJs reaction. In the meantime have fun with our customary pictures of AJ…

Big hug for Snoopy

AJ liked this ride the best.
Oh and Denise I thought it was very funny that Knott’s had a complete store dedicated to Disney merchandise at Knott’s, I guess if it sells it is ok??

Are we in the right park?