Part of the Feria de San Marcos was the Expo Agroalimentaria (the food exposition). Held on the Isla de San Marcos (Island of San Marcos) the expo was a fun way to try many of the different agricultural products of Mexico. One thing that we enjoyed was unlike a lot of fairs where the food is just on display at this fair not only were many things on display but we many were on sale which meant we got to try a lot of new things.
- Different fresh herbs on display.
- Honey doesn’t get any fresher than live bees right next to the vendor stall.
- An exhibit featuring different Mexican ham slices.
- An exhibit featuring fondant.
- A view entering the exposition hall.
- Different cookies on display. Really liked the flower ones on the top row.
- Can’t talk about Mexican food without talking about Mexican bread.
- Apparently Pikachu is going to use his electric abilities to cook you up some pork meat.
To list all of the fun food we tried would be exhausting but it seemed like the fair favorite was the gordita. A street food must try, to make a gordita they take a ball of masa (cornmeal), fry it, and then cut it in half and put ingredients in the middle. The most common gorditas were made of chicharron (fried pork grinds) or of cheese, or sometimes cheese and chicharron. Toppings included radishes, chopped onions, cilantro, and guacamole.
- My favorite Gorditas were actually outside of the food expo at this vendor stand.
- Three different stuffed gorditas.
A small video of the food expo:
Fun video. The bees are really interesting!
fast food in Mexico like everywhere else…