A Castle in the Road


If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one. – Dolly Parton

There are a lot of roads in life. If you go anywhere you pretty much have to travel down a road to get there. Ever notice how sometimes you travel down some roads and you get nowhere and other times you find something awesome? I am grateful to say it was while traveling down this particularly dusty road on the outskirts of Ensenada I found the later.

At the end of this particular road I found this…


It kind of sticks out like a sore thumb but it is amazing to see in person.

Yep, that is exactly what it looks like. It’s big yellow castle, but this is not just any castle. This is a castle of hope, in fact the road it’s located on is called Esperanza (hope in Spanish). Hope is a good word to describe this castle because this castle is actually a school. Castle School is a part of an organization called Sparrow’s Gate. It’s mission is to help kids throughout the world.

Visiting this Castle School brought back some memories for me. When I was a kid I went to a place called Castle Park Montessori. My memories of those days are a bit sparse but one thing I can remember was a lot of laughter. Luckily, at Castle School that is one tradition that continues on. Unfortunately, there are some things about this school that are not like my old Montessori.

Basically, it has to do with the kids feet. If there was one thing I noticed is that a lot of kids were missing shoes. Some kids didn’t have shoes and the kids who did have shoes were wearing very worn ones. My mom and I have decided to start a shoe drive. Want to help us collect shoes? If so it is really easy. Just leave a comment down below and I will contact you and we will see what we can do.

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