A 50 Pound Update…

Starting my run at North Shore in Lake Arrowhead, CA

The running continues on and all is well. Today I set several personal records for myself. The big one was running 16.3 miles, which is to date the longest run that I have done. These days I have been pretty much running some kind of distance almost everyday. The only day I do not do some sort of exercise is Sunday. Which brings me to my second record which was most miles ran in a week, 34.3 miles.

Finished the run at Lake Gregory in Crestline.

It isn’t easy getting up in the morning but the results have been good. Everyday is basically the same routine run, keep track of my calories, and try to get to bed on time. It is kind of mundane and not very exciting sometimes, but sometimes you can only achieve the extraordinary through mundane tasks and this happens to be one of those moments. I am now down to 201.4 lbs. which is kind of crazy to think about but it is exciting to be this close to getting out of the 200 range. Here is the progress visually…

7/19/11 305 lbs.

3/22/12 255 lbs.

9/15/12 201 lbs.


A 50 Pound Update… — 2 Comments

  1. I am, again, amazed. Kind of exciting to reach a milestone like you are about to do. What’s the goal–weight-wise? If you live, are you going to run more marathons? (haha) Sure do love you John, at any weight.

  2. The goal is 184 lbs. I don’t know if I will ever do another marathon. There are a bunch of guys at work training for the Baker to Vegas run. I probably will not run that race, but I am going to train with them and see if I can improve my speed. My goal is to be able to do a 10k running at any moment and a half marathon distance about every 3-4 months. The problem with marathon training is it takes A LOT of time.

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