When traveling there I times when expectations don’t meet up with expectation. Traveling from Flores, Guatemala to Copan, Honduras was a good case in point. When I booked our transportation for $40 I was feeling pretty good. When a private van picked us up 15 mins. early I was ecstatic. When the private van dropped us off at the bus station I got quizzical. When we boarded the hand-me-down Greyhound bus with broken windows I started to get worried. By the fourth stop in some unknown town I gave up and accepted it for what it was. A very slow, hot 12 hr. trip to a different country. All is well that ends well. Although it took us a long time to get there we arrived to Honduras safely. The border crossing was the smallest I had ever seen. Basically just two toll type gates and a couple of booths on both sides. We were charged $3 usd for entry visas. Unfortunately the power went out when we arrived and didn’t come back on until the next morning. It was a very long windy to get somewhere, but over all I enjoyed it. I got to see a lot of the countryside I would have otherwise had not been able to see. I particularly remember being at a market staring at some of the largest carrots I have ever seen (unfortunately I didn’t get a picture).